Well, I'll throw in my "Wow" too. I had no inkling this was related to WTWFO (which I loved and nominated for the Kerths and a few zillion people agreed with me) until the gilt ballroom. When Silas starts his little revelation though, some readers might panic (and maybe Clark himself) and think he dies in the ballroom. That was the way I read it until the WTWFO connection came to me. So for those who haven't read it maybe you might make a footnote or something to reassure them.
I can't believe this started at 5 pages! Don't ever throw anything out! You make magnificent stories from them.
O.K., C.C., that's the praise. Now I want to strangle you for giving me hope they will get help every chapter and then cruelly (CRU-EL, I say in the words of the elder H.G. Wells) crushing the hopes with the blind dunderness of the Peacekeepers and the isolation of the Lane-Kents! Andrus isn't the only dim one at Peacekeeper H.Q! Nobody commuicates with anybody! I love Madge, but she's blind too!
More soon.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis