Yikes! I never came back to post my comments after recovering. Sorry for the delay, Sara. I will just say that I was lying there on the ground for quite some time.

At the beginning of this section, Clark was sighing in delight, because life was perfect. Well, it sure didn't stay that way, did it? eek

It wasn't surprising that Lex showed up, even if I had begun to believe that he might not. The showdown really was inevitable, and it's a great cliff-hanger. That he had Kryptonite with him, well, it seems that he had figured out the secret identity thing after all - it's agonizing to read about, but not completely unexpected.

But the baby!! When Clark asked if they could leave him alone for a few moments, every single bone in my over-protective mother's body screamed out in protest. Nooooooooooooooooooo

And then the fact that Clark wasn't even keeping an eye or ear out, when he could have done so - so easily. I'm having a hard time with that. I'm not sure how, but if you could tweak this somehow, Sara, to have Lex still arrive unexpectedly yet Clark having been watching/listening for the baby's safety, I'd feel a lot better...

I'm looking forward to the next section, since I sure don't know how they're going to get out of this one!


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5