“Maybe ‘bakery,’” said Clark, pronouncing the word very carefully, “means something completely different now. Words change. They add new ones to the dictionary all the time. I remember when they added ‘ain’t.’ My mom hated that, said it was a sign of-”

“They always credit you with the babble,” commented Silas, looking in Lois’s direction. “That’s sort of unfair, isn’t it?”
LOL. Clark is so weird sometimes. I love it.

“Tempus isn’t easy to negotiate with, honey. Believe me, if Madge can’t coax the information from him, no one can.” He rolled over and tried to take her back into his arms, but she was sitting up, moving away.
dance He told her!

“I’m standing on the sidewalk talking to my eighth great-grandfather who is the real Superman, on my way to the bakery to find out if it’s a cover for some sort of time-travel protection agency working against the comic book character Tempus. Oh, and for about a day and half, I had a huge crush on my dead great-grandmother.
lol Poor Silas.

And good old Madge. She and I would definitely get along well.

God, you're killing me! I can't wait for them to charge inside the bakery and start hammering questions at people. But uneasy silences and being scared, eh. Lois, can't you just take your usual option of kill first and ask questions later? And then I tell myself, "C'mon, Jen, they're trying to save the world and themselves here. Wouldn't you be scared?" I guess. The future hottest team in town still has some learning to do, grasshoppers.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy