I think part of the MSM attitudes towards Clinton and Palin have less to do with the fact that they are female as much as it was because the MSM seems to be completely enamored with Obama. That and Palin is conservative which the MSM isn't crazy about in males or females.

They were held to different standards [no one asks how Obama's going to raise his daughters, but Palin can't be a mom and a VP at the same time? it's not like either one is going to be doing dishes or laundry...] but I think that was more of an... anything we can do to make her look bad so Obama looks better thing. At least that's my impression.

And it doesn't carry the same stigma as questioning someone's ability because of their skin color, but is just as valid a measuring tool. It's not.

And most Americans realize that, I think.

I would imagine there were T-shirts with racial epiteths as well, but I haven't seen/heard of them...
