OK, I feel like I am going to repeat everyone else right now, but here goes.

I love this board because I have met the most awesome friends here in real life and online. I found this website randomly one day after I had rented S1 at the library and fell in love (and that's not even the best season). laugh The fic is some of the best fic I have ever read and I love the feedback that everyone gives. The music videos are also AWESOME.

I want to give a shout out to...

Lauren, because she keeps me sane during the workday and at home. She has the greatest videos and she is one of my new best friends.

Jenn, because she has gotten me through some tough times and she writes the best nfic ever! She is the funnest person I have ever shopped with. She is also one of my new best friends.

and because there is a limit of 3, Jojo for suggesting the ramen place. I have never had that much fun in a parking lot and the ramen was worth wait laugh , Stephanie, because we love the same shows and hot actors, Anna, for making me watch Angel and Sue and Lara who were a blast to hang out with in LA. I have so many new friends it's hard name everyone.

Come on Lois you havent said a word since 1866!

Thanks for the avatar, Hana.