Both my daughter and I liked the trailer, it does look remarkably like the original. I have an issue or two with the casting (specifically for "Silk Spectre II" and "Ozymandius") but maybe the actors involved will sell their roles better than I am anticipating they can.

Am I right in thinking this will be an automatic R rating? I know they are paring off a fair bit of footage to get it down from an 3 hour + running time to just over 2 hours-I'd rather see it split in two and some pirate footage added in (all of which is currently going to be on a seperate DVD, or so the stories go) so we can get the full benefit of the source material. Ah well...still at the top of my personal "must see" list for next year, though an R rating could be problematical since my daughter will only be 14 by that time and won't be happy if she has to miss it!!

Femme fatale with a hopelessly romantic heart!