1. Song you listened to? Whatever was on the radio when I turned off my car this morning.
2. Thing you ate? Chicken nuggets and french fries
3. Thing you drank? Coke
4. Movie you saw in a theater? Transformers - it was pretty good.
5. TV show you watched? I'm not 100% positive, because I have the tv on all the time. Either a re-run of Bones or an episode of Greatest American Hero (renting the dvds)
6. Sporting event you watched? Oh, um, when were the last summer Olympics . . .
7. Book you read? A Spider-Man novel. Read three or four that day, though and can't remember which.
8. Fic you read? A Derek-based Terminator:SCC fic this morning that I didn't care for (don't care for Derek too much).
9. Vacation you took? As in actually going somewhere? Florida, several years ago.
10. Web site you visited? (other than this one)? Television without pity - I think (there are several sites I visit at least 5 times daily, so I'm not sure which one I went to last on my last spate of web-checking).

And a couple of bonus questions:
11. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep? Brush my teeth
12. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Go to the bathroom
13. What color are your shoes today? Brown