Thanks, y'all smile blush

Sara, your level of detail in FDK never fails to amaze... you are a national treasure! <g>

sad, but accurate touch that he never wears his glasses anymore. Makes me feel so sad for this Clark all over again. Yeah, yeah... I know he has Lois now... but he - they - will never have anonymity again.
Well, true... but on the other hand, they'll never have trouble with rumors of Lois cheating on Clark with Superman goofy

"We'll be right back -- don't any of you disappear."


Har! Nice diction considering...
<snicker> I'm glad someone caught that...

I know you mentioned on IRC calling it "My Trilogy" or something to that effect... but can this *pretty* please be one of those trilogies that has more than three stories? You really can't stop here!!
I can't? You're sure? Well... there are a few ideas perking around in my brain. So we'll see.

(rofl at your "Will & Grace" signature, Sara!)

Woo hoo! Now they can start officially dating. Speaking of which, do we get the story about that first date?
Glad you liked it, Nan! smile And... well, see above.

I'm starting to sense a theme here... wink Thanks, Liz smile

What I miss a bit are some (more) sour feelings between Lois and Linda, after Linda stretching out her hand towards Lois and her obviously not taking it there was no more
Bettina, welcome to the boards -- I'm flattered to get one of your first posts! True, there wasn't a big squash of Linda. I was concentrating on the humor at the end, there, and didn't want it to be mean-spirited. But hey, she was snubbed on live TV; that's gotta hurt a little.

Ankit & Cherry, thanks! smile

Chris, thank you -- I really admire your writing, so it's a thrill to get compliments from you!

Thanks, Anna... and Sherry, you de-lurked! You should do that more often wink

KathyB, thanks... it's been fun. And yes, there are lots of possibilities, aren't there? Maybe I should just leave it open-ended so everyone can imagine their own continuations... <g>

Thanks, Laura -- and Jose, I don't know yet if you'll see the first date. And it's not even really a first date, is it? So it'd probably just be boring...

Thanks Nicole & Laura -- you gals are good for my ego!

Welcome back, Wendy smile

The idea of the TV show was clever to start with (and Molly Flynn! LOL! ), but then you had Lois watching it from backstage and Clark creeping in to be with her.
Yeah, the TV show idea kind of surprised me, too -- but the first draft set in a press conference just wasn't working. And this whole series started, for me, with the image of alt-Lois sitting on the sidelines, studying Clark from a safe anonymous distance. So this seemed a natural continuation. Actually, if you'll recall, I'd been ready to ditch this one, too, <g> but some of you kindly said I was doing a good job with the chat show format, so that encouraged me enough to get me through.

Anyway... I really appreciate each and every one of you, and if I do write another story in this series, you'll be the first ones to know laugh


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K