I've always used macs at home,
but my high school's and uni requirements meant that I had no choice but to learn my way around the PC,
and at the moment uni-requirements are that I need to use office for mac (especially with regards to word, xcell, and occasionally powerpoint...)
even though most people say the opposite, I liked the mac versions better as I was used to them and could find my way around them...
I tell you windows for mac was one of the best things ever, as it meant compatibility which had never been experienced before...

I agree, though...
on OS10 (now I use 10.4) I have never had any bugs nor virus' nor flash-restarts... this computer is 3 yrs old, and before then I have been using macs since 93...

at the moment I have the powerbook G4 (pre-intell)
I have had 1 major problem though using some old software that the uni provided for me to do 3d chemical structures etc.... the program was obsolete (with 8.0 being the latest OS it ran for on mac), and there were huge bugs in it... but the company was out of business, and the uni required meant that I needed to use that program (I eventually gave up and used the university PCs). I tried to use another program for macs, but since the uni did not have it I was not allowed.... something about the lecturer comparing data on his computer and giving electronic files that did not convert...

I have been considering upgrading so as I can play some on-line games with my friends, this one has no mac equivalent unlike WoWC... but they think I am stupid to spend money on only a game...so I havnt yet
I love my 12" too, they don't make them anymore... and it is so cute...and light... compared to bulky, ugly, annoying and unreliable PCs

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