Oh wow.

“Clark, I need you to kiss me.”
Yep, a hook if I ever saw one. Hook, line, and sinker.

She flushed, and his eyes widened. “...make it a kiss like you’re dying of thirst and I’m the glass of water that can save your life.”
Eyebrows, meet hairline. eek

If yesterday’s kiss had seemed intense, it was a mere camp-fire next to this one. This was an inferno. A bush wild-fire burning out of control. He - he, Superman - was out of breath, gasping, tasting her, inhaling her as if she were the dying man’s last drink she’d spoken of.
You definitely have a way with words. Wow! *fans self*

“I had to find out,” she said. He waited. “I had to know if it was the kiss... or the man.”
She figured it out? oh, wait, guess not...

Then she answered. “I thought I was. I... maybe I am. I’m not really sure. I mean, who wouldn’t fall in love with Superman?”
Exactly! That suit, those muscles.. *swoon* Erm, where was I.

“It was... like kissing a plastic dummy.”
laugh Now *there's* a visualization!

“Well, I know you don’t find me attractive, Clark.”

So, even though this scares me rigid, I think we should... see where it goes.”
Go Lois! yay!

Well, if she was lucky, that experience could be repeated some time soon.
*snicker* Maybe if she asks nicely... laugh

After all, she couldn’t be happier that it was the man, and not the kiss.
And now she knows, and we know, and they live happily ever after, beating down the bad guys that hound them. Wonderful story! Course, I feel like I"m channeling Sara... ah, well.

*slurps off to find a mop to get herself off the floor with*

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited