You know, I still think a story where Clark and Lex switch bodies would be cool. However, it would take a back seat to this one for angst and intensity and betrayal. Yikes!

How could Lois help Lex clobber Superman? What did he do to coerce her into making that call? And why did Clark suppress that memory? Because of his feelings for Lois? And now that he's in Kansas, will the bright sunshine recharge him? You know there's not as much sunlight in London, and he's been hibernating for a long time. And how will they heal this breach? Will Clark understand how his folks took her in? Can Clark ever forgive Lois? More importantly, will Lois forgive herself?

And what about the baby? They're working under a deadline here, and that baby won't wait for Lois to figure out what to do next. Will Lex find them? And will he ever know he's fathered a child?

Oh, the humanity! More intense agony soon, please!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing