I had a brain MRI done several years ago. I am somewhat claustrophobic, but since I knew that it was a narrow enclosed tube I was prepared for that and didn't find it too bad.

You're supposed to lie as still as possible. Of course, when faced with a directive like this, various parts of my body start itching or twitching. If you move too much, your body could change position enough that they have to start the scan over.

The worst thing for me was the racket. The machine is incredibly noisy - you hear all sorts of rattles and clankings, etc. No one had warned me of this, so I hadn't brought ear plugs with me. So I would definitely recommend bringing those with you to help dampen the background. Also, some centers are able to pipe in music to you - my friend a few months ago brought in a CD of soothing music to listen to and help calm her. I don't think all places do that, but you can ask.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5