OK, Sara, let's see if I can get this straight. Clark is a beaten man when he finally comes home to Smallville after a futile month-long search for Lois. We have a painfully emotional reunion with his parents - which had me in tears, by the way - and then he finds out that Lois is there at the farm. I loved the way you wrote his reaction, his feeling of disconnection with his surroundings.

A deep rumble somewhere nearby. Something about Lois-gone-walking and she'll-be-back-soon-you-have-some-time and you'd-better-prepare-yourself. He couldn't really hear properly, because something was crashing down around his ears. His life, maybe.
So this is wonderful. And we anticipate a touching, incredibly WAFFy reunion when we learn that he has gone racing out to meet her, but somehow he doesn't manage to cross paths with her. More waiting, more angst. Aack!

But then, when they finally meet face to face - and my heart was sure pounding in anticipation - after he sees her initial reaction, he pulls away from her eek and starts talking about...pie.

Huh? Has Clark lost his mind along with his powers? Pie?!? whinging

And Lois?!? With her small frame, even with baggy clothing, does she really think that she is hiding a 7-month pregnancy from anyone? I know that some women don't show a lot, but I find this hard to believe...yet she seems to have fooled Jonathan. Not Martha, of course.

And why wouldn't she have told them at least some of her story when she arrived at the farm? Wouldn't she expect that the mysterious disappearance of Mrs. Lex Luthor would make headline news, and even in a place as "way out in the country" as Smallville, they do get newspapers, TV news, etc.?

So I need a 2x4 for her too. It's too bad, because with all the agony that these two have been through, they really deserve a break. When this section started, I thought they were actually going to get one. mecry

But not yet. Assuming that these 2x4s do their job, maybe next time...? peep


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5