I used to work retail floor sales, and we were instructed to greet every customer. I decided to be a little different, so I found that "Howdy! What can I point you at today?" got most people to smile. Something unexpected but not rude, a bright smile, and a listening posture works wonders.

I can't tell you how many times (in the South and Southeast US) I've been called "dear" or "hon" or "honey" or "sweetheart" or "darlin'" (you have to leave off the final 'g') or something similar by waitresses. Guys usually say "pal" or "buddy" or "hey, man" or even "dude" or something else equally manly.

Failing anything else, you might ask your manager for a specific example of what you are expected to do and what you are not expected to do. It sounds to me like a "failure to communicate." Besides, if your boss really wants you to succeed, he or she will let you know exactly what's expected of you.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing