Ooooh, yeah, more pics...

Steph, I was able to see yours after I clicked on the link. However if you want to make them "visable" in the thread, post them as three separate images. Click on the "Image" button (it's to the right of the emoticons in the UBB section). It will prompt you for the URL of the picture. You can get the URL from the pic properties on Photobucket (it gives you a URL link for the pic).

Then you just repeat that process for each picture you want to post.

But the way you did it works too - I just wanted to explain the other option. Cute pics!

And Bakasi, somehow I don't see you looking like a "complete idiot" in any of your pics - you're adorable.


-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.