Laura is right. I am thrilled! Thank you so much Wendy! laugh

This is a wonderful vignette. Two lines I particularly liked are:

But she’d still treated him as a... well, like a wall, really. Like a wall, he was just there. He propped things up - propped her up daily. He was necessary, but barely visible. Unnoticed when present, but he’d be badly missed if absent.

He was speaking again. “I’m sorry, Lois. I guess I just didn’t realise that you’d be hurt by what I did. I suppose I thought I was the only one who’d describe us as friends.”

She blinked. Why would he think that? Didn’t he know that he mattered to her?
Between them, these two bits show the sea change in Lois's perceptions of Clark. I wonder whether in the second of these, though, whether Clark is making a bit of an excuse for his actions... but he does, also, make a very valid point.

What I really like, though, is the way you end this, not with a big revelation, but with Lois's trust. If this were what happened of screen on the show, it would really go a long way towards explaining how she could have been blind to the secret for so long. And it definitely shows how nervous she was of making any kind of commitment, even friendship, at this point in her life.

Lovely. Thank you! smile
