This is so great! Thank you for still being here and for your continued comments!

I hardly know where to start in responding, which, again, is the very best sort of problem to have.

I promise I won't do this every single time, but some of these remarks are just too good to pass up.

First and foremost, this:
emotional and kooky
Oh, Helga, that is so perfect. And, really, if we can all adopt that as our motto for this entire fic, I think we'll get along famously! Sums it up just right.

On the subject of kooky:
Most secret organizations are usually behind the dry cleaners. I thought it was very imaginative to have them behind a bakery!
Loved this! And Chris's sewing machine shop, Jen's sports academy. I nearly chickened out on the bakery detail, for fear that pushed the absurd-envelope a tad too far. So, thanks to Sherry, behind the scenes whip-cracking reader, for assuring me it was very Get Smart and I should just go for it.

Speaking of going...
Wait is Madge going somwhere
You know, that needs tweaking. Thank you for that. Madge is pretty certain she's going to lose her job- be demoted or fired since this is all on her head. However, that was really vague, so I appreciate the catch!

And as for Madge:
I'm much more intrigued by what Madge and Co. are doing than in Lois and Clark spinning in circles.
I'm so glad to hear that, Hazel! Many times I tried to remind Madge she was a *secondary* character, all the while she was wrestling the plot from me and running off with it.

Other really, *really* good things... on which I have no comment. None whatsoever. (Though some of you are doing the mind-reading thing.)

A full-time job, absolutely. Maybe they need a few more committee members, since they haven't been entirely successful in the past.
we still have the somewhat sinister undercurrent of the Peacekeepers and their 'true' agenda, an agenda that has to be kept from the general populous. Typical, Utopia is this supposed idyllic place to live... but at what price is it maintained?
However, that whole Peacekeepers bit has some horrifying possibilities. I'm worried that the lifelines are tied to L&C's existence.
The one thing that always bothered me when Tempus would try to stop Utopia from becoming a reality in the future was: Wouldn't he also keep himself from being born?
Love all of these, but that's all I'm saying.

As for the name 'Petal.' Thank you, Y. I had no idea it was an endearment. I just liked the sound of it. The kind of name a parent in Utopia might call their child- and less obvious than Flower or Sunshine. As for 'Odias Sinders'. Yay! I'm particulary proud of that one. Though it just sort of fell out of my fingers onto the keyboard, so I'm not certain I can take credit.

Last and finally:
And I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop - it's obvious that Lois is going to see or hear something soon which tells her that Superman is actually her lowly, annoying, foisted-upon-her junior partner at the Planet.
Wait no more, part 4 is on the way!

And, again, *thank you* so much to everyone who read and commented. sloppy

I can't tell you how very much I appreciate your good words! I'm grateful!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
