Well, we've always gone for something family orientated since my husband hates to dance... :rolleyes:

Last night we took the two kids out for a Chinese food feast and broke the news to them that we're seriously contemplating moving back to the West Coast since my husband has a job interview out there in two weeks. That yielded some pretty mixed results! Then came home for an evening of watching movies,checking out our potential new home city on-line, snacking and cuddling in front of the fireplace. Watched various party-goers walking past (bundled well against the cold), held the dogs' paws through some celebratory fireworks and toddled off to bed about 2 am. Seven years ago on New Years Eve we were driving all our worldly possessions to this area through a raging blizzard so being able to feel safe and warm is always a bonus on this anniversary!

Femme fatale with a hopelessly romantic heart!