Thanks again for the comments!

So... Several people have doubts about Mayson, huh? Now, why on earth would you distrust such a fine, upstanding member of the legal profession?

Watch this space...

The other thing that strikes me is how much people seem to like the b-plot here. Am I right in thinking that a-plot is just filler? wink If so, there is a lot of filler here!

KathyM: the suit. Ah, the suit. All I'm going to say is that I don't think CJ would look good in blue! wink

Thanks also for answering LabRat's question for me. Couldn't have done it better myself! smile

Hazel: I think it's pretty well known around here that I have major problems with the whole idea of soul-mates, so I think it's inevitable that that would feed into the story. Then again, it's also known that I have problems with Wells, and he keeps turning up in my stories!

Maria: you said:

Judith Myerson could be in danger now?
You know, I never even thought of that!

Wendy: thanks for the comments! laugh

Now, I know you have an A-plot to resolve, and of course there's the issue of CJ's powers and what he's doing with them... but could we have more smoochies soon?? Please??? insert pathetic begging icon here
No. No smoochies. This is a smoochie free zone.

Just kidding, guys! Just kidding.

There are some more smoochies to come, but they have been carefully rationed so as not to give anyone too much of a waffy high. I don't like to feed people's addictions too much. wink

Avia: what can I say, other that 'oops!' blush Thanks for catching that! I've corrected my master, so it will be right when it (eventually) goes to the archive.

Paul: the hostile takeover thing may be something, it may not. RAFO.

Artemis: about the powers -- I'm saying nothing.

LabRat: I meant to say in the last comments folder that that conversation you are eagerly waiting for will turn up eventually.

I'm so glad you're enjoying this.

Yes, CJ does have his reasons for not wanting to be Superman. I think they make perfect sense... but it's obvious that a number of readers would like to see CJ donning the blue and red. As for the choice that CJ makes... You'll find out eventually.

Merry, Tricia, RetroRose, Irene, Liz and Tank: thanks for your comments, too. smile

Chris (off to ready the next section for posting.)