Boring people?!? No, Erin, not at all. I'm still here, reading each segment as soon as I can, but I've been terrible about commenting lately. And I would imagine that's true of most others - lack of time/laziness/whatever.

I *love* how Clark was showing his feelings for Lois while in the Suit. Not a smart move, to be sure, and I hope that people didn't pick up on it (although I have my suspicions about Agnes smile ), but it was lovely to see, and great that Lois was the one who had to point it out to him.

And now, needless to say, I'm suspicious of her editor. The timing of the fire and attack is just too coincidental. smile1

I'll try to do better about feedback, and I'm ready for more anytime... smile


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5