This whole memory wipe/Superman's kid/Richard's kid thing is why I'm having such a hard time accepting that SMR is simply the continuation of the story set up in the SMI and SMII films. The timing just doesn't jive for me at all.

Because if SM wiped Lois's memory after their fling, this would mean a couple of possible things:

1 - She found herself pregnant and thinking it was some kind of immaculate conception because she had no memory of her night with SM


2 - she got involved with Richard almost immediately after having her mind wiped, in which case SM would have had to have known about Richard before he left Earth. I don't recall the details at the end of SMII, but I never got the impression that SM took off for the possible remains of Krypton immediately after wiping Lois's memory


3 - If Lois really believed Jason had been Richard's kid, her discovering that he is probably SM's kid should have registered much more profoundly in the new movie. And Lois should have confronted SM with it when she sees him in that last scene. Where was the "How did I manage to give birth to your son when I have no recollection of us having done the deed?" that Lois would certainly have asked? Plus not a little bit of anger that she had slept with SM but couldn't remember it.

Actually, the more I think about all of this, the more annoyed it makes me. I'd rather just enjoy the new movie as an entity in itself, because otherwise the plot holes become too large for me to fanwank shut. wink


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah