First off, I just want to thank everybody for all the help so far. You guys are the best!

Bettina, thanks for breaking it down for me? I shall try to answer the questions the best I can. Given that piggy-backed with every single answer is "I would be happy to learn about the better/more professional methods"

1) There will be different writers, but I am the only one who will be writting and editing. I had planned to just have them type up their articles on Word, then email them to me, along with any graphics/photos that they want with the article.

2) Haven't decided on the format. I could either do an entirely web-based version (like those email updates by newspapers/magazines), or have a pdf file to be placed on the website. For the latter, I can just email the pdf to the club webmaster. For the former, well, I'm not sure what I'd need to know. Let's just say my knowledge of webpages stops at viewing them. I know absolutely nothing about making them.

3) The club has a mailing list. I just thought to email everybody whenever there is a newsletter, or email them the intro page of the newsletter (one with all the headlines and links)

As for the software, I have Microsoft Publisher, and a friend has offered to lend me the Adobe equavalent (I think it's Pagemaker, but I'm not 100% sure). I think my friend has Dreamweaver as well.

angelic_editor, the step by step directions for building a newsletter would be great! If you can find it, please email it to