Thanks all for the comments, though I am a bit surprised.

After all the requests for a sequel to 'To Protect and Serve' I thought sure there would probably be one or two requests for more of this story. Imagine my surprise that there were none. Oh well, I guess that just lets me off the hook. After all, I am retired you know. (And no that does not mean I'm retired from working so I can write more. I'm still a forty plus hour a week working slob).

Wendy mentions that this story (and the previous series) can't have a happy ending. Funny, I thought it did. wink The Future series was a story about loss and redemption after that loss. Of course, you have to have a loss in order to overcome it. While Clark (and by rights altLois) would always miss what they'd lost, and cherish the memories of those days, they did finally manage to put their lives back together and find happiness with each other. It's how people survive in the real world too.

I think we can imagine, from the vignette set up, that Lois will also have that chance to find happiness after her loss. Let's see, Lois goes to this altworld. Becomes friends with that Clark. They go through many adventures and finally, after a time, become romantically involved. They live happily ever after... yawn. No one would want to read that. It's too predictable.

Pam, I'm surprised you don't like this. I always thought that the reason you didn't like the concept of the Future series was because our Lois had to die to facilitate the storyline. Here I give you Lois back. You should be thrilled... right? wink

Seriously, I actually wrote this as a tease for Wendy. She was someone who had always encouraged me and supported the Future series. I wasn't sure I should really post this because I was concerned that it might, in a sense, invalidate the Future Series. As I said, that was a story of two people facing terrible loss and needing each other to achieve their redemptions. But someone badgered me incensently (I think she mentioned it twice) to go ahead and post it, so being the marshmellow that I am, I did.

But as for more?

Tank the RETIRED (who says, in answer to Saskia's question, Lois would, of course, choose to cut her hair... it would only be logical)