
Once again I'm awed, stunned, shocked, amazed and very, very grateful for all this terrific fdk dance This stuff makes my Muse very, very happy... and it also compensates somewhat for the long hours I spent torturing myself over these scenes <g> Thanks a MILLION, guys! notworthy

Just as a couple of points...

You are the Mistress of Evil.
*gasp*... Okay, maybe if I were reading this at this point, I'd agree with you... but don’t make up your mind for sure until you see the final few scenes, okay? wink

And yeah - my posting schedule is twice a week smile The days are hopping around on me, unfortunately, because of some hectic RL stuff :rolleyes:

I'm an angel
*snigger* Now THAT one I can nip in the bud straight away, courtesy of some very handy logs in my IRC folder. Watch what you say, mon amie, lest you find out JUST how evil I can be wink

Thanks for pointing out the italics thing, Wendy - hadn't noticed it smile And LOL - yes, very long ride indeed :p

The despair just oozes off the screen. And in fact, it's all over my keyboard as I type.
rotflol , and blush - wow. You know I adore your writing, CC, so this was a huge ego boost - thank you so much! smile

And oh, good point about Rose Madder, TJ! I read that ages and ages ago, long before I wrote that scene... and yeah, I agree that it's somewhat similar smile Hopefully Lex's fate will be slightly less messier than Norman's, though - it'll have to be, if I want to keep Erica talking to me wink

Sorry for the slight delay in posting this week - a pile of work jumped up and attacked me out of the blue frown Off to post part... ehm... /me sneaks peek at thread topic... part five now <g>

Sara smile

Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black