TG I am reading it but it is tough to comment. I can't get around a cruel and heartless Clark. Unless you redeeem him soon I am not sure I can deal with it.

In Leela's story I could get past evil Clark because the good one exhisted also. This is almost a little smallvillesque in the bad Clark way.

Although even bad Clark in Smallville and in the Superman movies started out as good Clark and was only bad due to Red K.

But this Clark is working for Luthor and alters peoples brains and lives, not to mention he's probably killed a few people.

To me he just isn't the Clark I know and love and want to read about. Anyway, I hope he gets better. I am sorry that I am not responding more to the story. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"