I'm still in shock too - been watching TV news for the last hour, after having been out all morning. That bus exploded on a route I used to walk along when I was in London for meetings several times a year. I'm hoping that my old colleagues at AUT headquarters are all safe and well. As the casualty count increases, I can't imagine what families and friends of missing or injured people must be feeling.

I'm so glad to hear from at least some of our London FoLCs. This is just sickening, so horrible. Yet again, though, wonderful response from the emergency services. Doctors, nurses, ambulance workers, police, firefighters, dispatchers, London Transport staff, everyone who works in emergency response all deserve our immense gratitude and appreciation.

Jill, I don't know if you heard, but some of your colleagues (British doctors meeting at the British Medical Association headquarters) were first on the scene after the bus explosion - they probably saved a few lives there.


Just a fly-by! *waves*