I was just re-reading part 2 and I think I've found some things. Her unnamed husband is referred to as "their (the public's) hero." He's also described in the wedding photo as tall, dark-haired, and brown-eyed. So I've come to an unpopular conclusion, one I don't like but am advancing at the risk of my board access.

Lois isn't married to an unspeakably evil Lex Luthor.

She's married to an unspeakably evil Clark Kent.

I hope I'm wrong here, but the signs definitely point in this direction. Maybe it's more misdirection from a masterful writer, maybe it's a device to heighten the tension, but I'm very afraid that our worst fears have come to pass: Superman has been 'outed' and has turned to the Dark Side, and Lois is trapped in his wake.

Please prove me wrong.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing