The ominous, intermittent click of rifles being primed caused her to flinch as a cold trickle of sweat rolled down her spine. Unknown to her, she began to whine between her clenched teeth, the noise so light and high, no human hearing would have registered the sound.

Kal heard the sound though.
I love this. How you portray Lois's capture, and her fear. But also this really simple 'Kal heard the sound.' Such a great fake-out. Lois is in trouble. 'Superman' hears her. And the day is saved, right?

Erm...but then we get this:
“So where do we go from here?” she asked, the quivering in her voice in no way an act.

The heel of his boot scraped the surface of his desk as he shifted his body to sit upright. His face was still in the shadows, but she could sense earnestness from his bearing as he moved forward.

“This should only hurt for a second,” he murmured before he rose to his feet.
And, man, we are *so* not in Kansas any more!

(Sorry, that's really lame. I'll go back and edit that out...)

A really great, really unsettling mix of menace and gentleness.

Run Lois!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
