yay! boston fans!

I wish that I had seen this thread earlier but i've been slightly distracted this week! it's been absolutely crazy around here - i teach in a high school and the kids (and the teachers) have been zombies all week. and i have a feeling it'll be the same this week!

cc I'm right there with you - I hardly slept on wednesday night thinking that I must have misunderstood something. that there was no way that we could have won that game ~ despite all of the runs. my roommates and i just stared at the tv for a while...i'll let you have johnny damon - i love him but i still want to marry david ortiz smile

I too had wondered at one point wednesday night if the end of the world was coming - but i think i was a little ahead of myself. that might happen after this series smile

well - tonight's the night!

still grinnin' like a fool laugh

Go Red Sox!


You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

- Mahatma Gandhi