That reminds me of the time my rugby team played a different school at OFSAA Qualifiers, which is a tournament between the 4 top teams from the four different Toronto regions (we're regional champions this year), to choose the two teams who would go to OFSAA, which are the Ontario finals.

When we played Lawrence Park, another high school, the referee was biased because he worked for them. You'd think they'd bother to get a objective ref for such an important game, but whatever. That stupid ref gave our team 14 penalties, some really ridiculous (the kicker got a penalty for kicking or something like that, for exmaple). They got only one penalty. He kept bringing us back 10 yards for stupid reasons every time we were in their end zone and close to scoring a try (which is like a touchdown). When about 7 girls (out of 15) on their team were offside (meaning they were running where they weren't supposed to, which is illegal), he ignored it even though every rookie could see that clearly and our coach was yelling that out to him.

In the end it was called a fair game, I suppose because our coach didn't want a hassle, but we were left completely furious. They screwed over all the other teams in OFSAA Q. that way, too, and ended up taking the Toronto championship which they didn't deserve. Our only consolation was that when they got to OFSAA they lost rather badly because they earned their way there by cheating.

These thinks happen, and they really do take all the fun out of sports. I can relate.


Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)