The Samson Effect – A Wendy and Tank Challenge?


Lois stared at her reflection in her bathroom mirror. She couldn’t believe what had happened to her. She'd only been home from Clark's place for about an hour, but she was still in a state of shock.

The image of Jor El, Clark's Kryptonian father, had appeared to them and had explained why Clark had lost his powers recently. It was because she had cut her hair! It didn't make sense. She didn't care what Clark's father had said, there just wasn't any logic behind what he'd told them. How could cutting her hair have any effect on Clark's powers? It was beyond rationality. It was even beyond some metaphysical, spiritual connection that they were supposed to share as soul mates. It was stupid… but she couldn't deny the timing.

She chewed on her lower lip as she stared at the image of herself with her new short, layered hairstyle. A style she was going to have to abandon. Darn it, she really liked herself this way. And even more, she knew that Clark liked it. He had a thing about her neck. But that didn't matter. There was no way she was going to allow Clark to be without his powers just because she looked fabulous with short hair. She wasn't that vain. She'd just have to get used to the idea of future neck and back problems as her hair grew out to ridiculous lengths.

She stepped out of her bathroom and stopped in surprise. Sitting in the middle of her living room was a… person. A little person of some sort. It was definitely a female. She was childlike in appearance yet with eyes that spoke of age well beyond the apparent years. If Lois didn't know better she'd swear her uninvited guess wasn't quite human.

"Who are you, and how did you get in here?"

The small figure smiled wide and giggled. "Hi, Lois, my name is Ydnew. Perhaps you know my cousin, Mxyzptlk?"

Lois frowned as she searched her memory. "No, I don't believe I do. I'm pretty sure I'd remember a name like Mxypiddle."

"Mxyzptlk. Are you sure you don't remember? He said you and Clark supplied him with a grand time when he was here." Lois could only shake her head. "Wait, what's the date?" Lois told the little woman. She slapped herself in the forehead. "Oh, silly me, no wonder you don't remember him. He hasn't been here yet."


She nodded. "Yeah, he doesn't show up for about a year, yet. That happens to us sometimes, we get our time frames mixed up. You see time isn't linear back home in the fifth dimension."

Lois' head was swimming. "Back home… where?"

"The fifth dimension. I'm an imp."

On shaky legs, Lois made her way to the couch and slowly sank to the hard cushions. "What's an imp?"

The tiny… imp, strutted around the room in front of her. "We are the jokesters of the interdimensional planes. We travel throughout the dimensions playing practical jokes on the inhabitants."

"What kind of jokes?"

The little person puffed out her chest. "We can do anything. We're magical beings."

Lois shook her head and stared at her feet for several moments. It had to be a dream. This was not happening. It didn't make any sense. It was almost as ridiculous as…

Suddenly her head shot up. It couldn't be… could it? "Say, Yidnu, did you have something to do with Clark losing his powers when I cut my hair?"

"It's Ydnew." She smiled. "Of course, I think you have pretty hair, it's a shame to ever cut it."

Lois eyes grew big. "Are you crazy? You can't come here and do something like this. I can't let my hair grow out forever."

"Sure you can." The small being snapped her fingers.

Lois felt a strange tingling in her scalp as suddenly her hair began to grow. It flowed past her ears and down her back until it reached midway to her waist before stopping.

"There, now you look pretty, and Clark has his powers back."

Lois had to fold her hands into fists to keep them from shaking. "How long will this… condition, last?" She asked, thinking back at how long it took Clark to regain his powers the last time.

"For as long as I'm here." The tiny imp grinned evilly. "You better get used to the situation because I like it here and I plan to stay a long time."


It had taken Jimmy three days to find everything ever written about fairies, gnomes, and imps. It had then taken Lois another two days to read through it all but she finally felt she was prepared for her next encounter with her unwanted visitor.

She sat in her living room holding a book, just as she had done for the past two days. She hadn't seen Ydnew in the flesh, so to speak, in a couple of days, but she planned to be prepared when the imp finally did show up.

It was her lucky night. A little after eight o clock her interdimensional guest decided to make an appearance.

"Hey, Lois, what's up?"

Lois glanced up briefly, and then turned her attention back to her book. "Just reading. What's brings you around now?"

The imp's grin was huge. "We haven't fought in a while. I thought I come by for another round."

Lois shrugged. "I'm through fighting. You win. Besides, I've been getting quite a few compliments on my hair lately. I'm beginning to think you were right."

Lois made a show of focusing back on her book but could see the frown on the imp's face out of the corner of her eye.

"I knew you'd come around." The small woman came closer. "What are you reading?"

Lois set the book in her lap. "It's an old favorite of mine. It's about a special boy named Peter who has magical powers. He hangs out with a fairy named Tinkerbell and has all these wonderful adventures with his friends."

Lois saw that the imp's attention had been captured. "A boy with magical powers? That's sounds pretty cool, can I read it?"

"Sure." Lois handed over the book. "Why don't you read it out loud? I'd like to hear it while you read."

"Okay." The small creature flipped open the book to the page Lois had marked with a ribbon. "Let's see…'Peter held his hand out to his friend. He could tell she was frightened, but he gave her a big smile. "Come on, Wendy, just take my"… oops!"

Suddenly there was a puff of pink smoke and Ydnew was gone. "Yes!" Lois exclaimed.

She jumped up from the couch and bolted out the door.

She pounded on Clark's door continuously until he opened it and let her in.

"What's up, Lois?" He looked confused by her agitated demeanor.

She took a second to catch her breath. "Do you currently have your powers?"

"Yeah." He gestured toward her head. "You obviously haven't cut your hair."

She smiled. "Not yet I haven't."

She pulled a large pair of scissors out of her coat pocket. Grabbing a large handful of her dark locks in one hand, she began to cut the silken strands with a savage efficiency.

"Lois, what are you doing?"

She sheared away several more handfuls of hair. "How about now? Do you still have your powers?"

Clark looked confused at first, then a smile slowly spread across his face. "Yes I do. Why? What's going on here?"

Lois reached out and pulled his face down to hers for a quick, fierce kiss. She handed him the scissors. "Help me cut the rest of this mess off and I'll explain everything. You aren't going to believe it."
