Clark's reaction to her skin was ringing all kinds of uncomfortable and familiar bells. Lord Kal had also expressed his approval of the way she had been ‘readied’ by running a deceptively gentle hand up and down her arm.

Fear gripped her hard, and she became very quiet and still as she focused on breaking free of the miserable spell the past had cast upon her. No… no – not now. The wedding is two weeks away – if I still act like this – how will we ever –
Oh man, Leela. At 82 parts, you have shown us over and over again that there will be no easy, pat healing for Lois.

One very big reason this story and these characters are so engrossing.

The trauma is hard-wired into her body, isnt it? It shoots straight past her brain, her reasoning, and into her nerves. It gets there first, and then she has to think her way around it.

It's perfectly understandable that she gets impatient and frustrated with stuff like this- being afraid of the man she loves when he is doing nothing more than stroking her arm, enjoying her.

I know the wedding and wedding night are drawing closer. And given how well they communicate with each other, I have every faith these two will find a way to make it wonderful.

Other things: the haunted dreams, and her telling him that even 20 years from now she may still wake up and react badly.

Heartbreaking details, but so true.

Still in awe,

Roll on part 83!!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
