Wow, what a glowing set of responses! smile I think the comments thread is now longer than the story... goofy

Seriously, I'm glad you guys liked this. I love alt-Clark stories, but they all seem to have Clark having to figure out how to explain everything to alt-Lois, and in the generally short stories she hasn't got much time to react to that. So I wanted to see what would happen if she knew a lot of it going in.

Roger, she doesn't think he's an obsessed lunatic because he's got a sense of humor about the whole thing <g> SJH, try reading it again; alt-Lois wants to get an upclose look at alt-Clark before she tells him who she is, so she can get some idea of what he's like. Yvonne, I apologize for being nice to your preferred target -- I know you're addicted to damaging him wink

I know I didn't touch much on it in the story, but I figure Clark didn't recognize her because of the hair (light-brown with bangs), glasses, and unremarkable clothing. Bangs & glasses can cover a lot of a person's face. And he wasn't really looking at her that much, he was busy thinking and remembering. But the most important element, of course, is that he wasn't at all expecting to see her. I just couldn't quite figure out a way to get all that information in there -- "Lyn" knows all this so she wouldn't be thinking about it, and I don't want to tip off the readers too early. I'm working on adding it in toward the end, somehow.

I have no plans for a sequel. Though if I were to write it, I know what my opening line would be wink so who knows, the rest of the story might show up in my consciousness sometime soon.

Thanks very much, Irene, Terry, Roger, Karla, Artemis, Paul, Wendy, Laura, AnKS, Liz, Rach, Nan, Sara, Sil, Bethy, Yvonne, James, Mary, Nicole, Simona, Rivka & Tricia! smile


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K