I debated whether to watch “Strange Visitor” or “Neverending Battle” next since they were aired out of order originally. Since Neverending Battle was supposed to be the second episode and makes more sense as a follow-up to the first episode, I decided to watch that one first.

One of the things I liked about this episode was the comedy involved in it. There are a lot of little funny moments sprinkled throughout this episode, and that’s what makes it fun to watch.

Lois was definitely played as much meaner in this episode than in most episodes, but I like that she does have a couple of nice moments. Her talk with Lucy let us know that she at least had some regret over stealing Clark’s story. I also liked her comments about why the world needs Superman.

The plot of Luthor testing Superman’s powers was interesting, and it did a lot to further the Superman vs. Lex Luthor storyline. I thought the scene where Superman confronts Lex was really fun to watch because we get to see Superman scare Lex with the bullet, and scare tactics aren't often done by Superman.

I also enjoyed the Jimmy/Perry side story. To me, I think the best part was that Clark standing up to Lois inspired Jimmy to stand up to Perry. It’s always good to see Clark inspire people.

There were a lot of funny scenes, but I think the funniest scene was when Lois comes in covered in dirt at the end of the episode. Teri Hatcher did a very good job making that scene funny, but I think that the reactions of Jimmy and Cat added some humor to the scene as well. If you’ve never taken the time to focus on Cat and Jimmy because you were too busy watching what Lois is doing, I recommend focusing on Cat and Jimmy next time. Their reactions to Lois add to the scene.

One last thing I liked about this episode is that it established that Clark wasn’t going to take anything from Lois. By the end of the episode, it’s very clear that she’s gained some respect for him.

Any opinions on this episode?