
I was glad to see the second part to this story at last.

I find myself agreeing with Laura here. Clark is obviously suffering from 'post traumatic stress'.

Clark had such a caring heart and he always saw his role as saving people, so what happened to him on NK must have had a terrible effect on him.

He also seems to be feeling a lot of guilt over leaving Lois to raise his twins, which again is understandable. I know he's not opening up to Lois, and for her that must be difficult, but I think that someone as intelligent as Lois would understand the problem.

That doesn't mean that she shouldn't get angry herself now and then. Lois would never let people walk over her, but I think that at this stage in her life... they are both older... she must realise that Clark needs help, even if he thinks he doesn't deserve it.

And behind all their own hurts, they are still in love and both want the best for their children.

Those are just my thoughts, and I'll be very interested to see where your story takes us.

Yours Jenni