I want to preface the question I am about to ask with a little background: Although I have not been officially diagnosed with it, I strongly suspect that I have at least a mild case of prosopagnosia (face blindness)...I am sure I processes faces differently than most people. I have a much harder time than most in distinguishing people on the basis of their faces; instead, I rely on other visual cues (overall physique, posture, hair cut, etc.) as well as on recognizing their voices and the context in which I usually see them. The hardest thing about my job as a college instructor is learning to identify students by name...I always hope for very visually diverse classes...And to avoid being accused of being any sort of an "-ist," let me say right now that I have just as much trouble distinguishing people who look similar to me as I do people who are visually dissimilar. No matter how well I know someone, if they change their facial hair (grow or shave off a beard or mustache or change their hair cut), I will have a difficult time recognizing them at first, especially if I see them in a place I don't usually see them. I have often commented that two people looked so much alike to me that they could be sisters or brothers, only to have the person I am talking with give me a strange look and tell me that they don't think the people look at all alike. I've learned over time to stop making such comments.

I say all of this to let you know that I am very serious in the question I am about to ask; I am not trying to be flippant, nor am I being galactically stupid.

With all of that as background...Is it just me (and I realize that it very well may be), or does Clark's face actually look quite different than Superman's, even beyond the glasses and hair style? To me, Superman's face looks much fuller; Clark's face looks a lot thinner. Did the makeup and lighting people do something to achieve this effect, or is it just my visual processing playing tricks on me again?

Just curious,