
Wow! Great piece. thumbsup

Love Lois and Lana conversation. clap

Lois fretted. It's been two months, and no Superman sightings. Doesn't he realize that Metropolis will revert to being a hotbed of crime if he's not around to save the day? Not that it's really happened - it seems as if people are really trying to put their best face forward in wake of what nearly happened. A little too close to meeting our maker, I guess. Or maybe something different. Maybe they were inspired by his sacrifice, and his near death.
confused Two month with out seeing him?

She also felt a vague sense of unease whenever she saw pictures of him, often in the company of the world's rich, powerful and beautiful. For wherever he was, they were sure to flock. The paparazzi had been having a field day, getting pictures of him with beautiful super-models flocking around him, and various rumors of various love affairs had been beginning to surface. Worse yet, some of these women weren't really denying their veracity. Whether they enjoyed having the tag of "Superman's girlfriend" or whether they really were dating him - who was to know? He wasn't encumbered in any committed relationship, so what would really stop him from taking what was likely so freely and joyfully offered? It’s not like I ever offered him anything.
eek Didn't she said "two months and no Superman sighting. It's not like Clark to neglect his Superman duty.

"How do you tank you'll go from point A, which is now, to point B, which is the person you want to be. The one who can get close."
blush Tank or think?


More soon, please.

MAF laugh

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.