hmmmm good question, LabRat...

I've seen this show from the beginning because I've known all the Superman-movies and I was curious about the new TV show. I liked the preview and you know when you are 11 and you see such a good-looking Clark, I knew I can't miss the pilot. I always hated that Clark looks like a dork in the movies. I never missed an episode from then on. But I can say that I totally fell for the show at the end of season 1 when Lois and Clark got romantic feelings for each other. "The House Of Luthor" where Lois was standing in front of the mirror and said "Lois Lane Kent" - I almost cried too. Well I was hoping at the end that Clark admits his feelings for her but NO mad he had to cross his fingers behind his back. And then I had to wait the whole summer for the next episode. grrrr hyper