1. Lois and Clark as a couple or Lois and Clark as just friends?
Best friends but having blooming feelings for each other.

2. Superman in the black suit or in the traditional red and blue?
Mmmm... the black suit looks a lot better on Dean (don't we have a *drool* graemlin?) but, come on, Superman is supposed to be red'n'blue. Save black for the Dark Knight wink

3. Zara or Mayson?
For what purpose? Whose butt I'd rather kick? Well...

4. The wedding arc or the New Krypton arc?
Erm... neither frown

5. Michael Landes as Jimmy or Justin Whalin as Jimmy?
Justin Whalin! Michael Landes looks great but he was too old and seemed too mature.

6. Lex or Tempus?
Tempus - at least he was fun!

7. The virtual bed scene in "Virtually Destroyed" or the elevator scene in "Brutal Youth?"
The elevator scene because it was real and not just some "pretense" in order to get [this guy whose name I forgot] all jaelous.
And the end was fun, too wink

8. Lois with long hair or Lois with short hair?
Well, I really liked her hair later in S3 - like in "Never on Sunday". The very first eps with the short hair were just ewww frown

9. Lois and Clark's fight in "House of Luthor" or their fight in "Stop the Presses?"
"House of Luthor" because "Stop the Presses" just looked like Clark throwing a fit out of hurt pride when all Lois needed was some support.

10. Clark's proposal to Lois or Lois' proposal to Clark?
Clark's!!! (Hey, I'm a girl, what do you expect?)

11. This poll or staring at the wall? (ha)
Well, obviously...

Bonus question: How many languages can YOU order dinner in?
Um, 4, I think. German, English, French, Spanish... although I'm not exactly sure that I'd actually get what I meant to order goofy

"Maybe I know what it's like, trying to find fulfillment in the wrong person. Trying to fit into the mold others expect of you."

"Looking for love" by DC Lady