Whew! What a semi-satisfying ending! Okay, so it was satisfying.. the only bad part?

“Lois.” Henderson’s voice was sharp. “Listen to me. He’s dead. Luthor - your husband - is dead.”
“Suicide, they think.” Clark sipped his coffee, and she could see him watching her warily over the rim of his cup. He still wasn’t comfortable, she realised. “A guard checked on him this morning and found him stretched out dead on the floor. The light-fitting had been taken apart, and there was water spilt on the floor.”
Hrmph. Bastard has no spine, does he. Yellow bellied bastard. (insert more colorful language here) wink He deserved to rot in jail.

But then we get to the really really good parts.

And, stretching up, she pressed her lips to his for their first kiss.
Awwww. The whole sections after that were meltingly sweet. *sniffle*

“Actually,” Lois had continued, “I think Superman works better.”
Aww, but we liked Super Rescue Guy! laugh

“Right as of now, I don’t have any of his money any more.” And she looked incredibly pleased about it.
WOOHOO! And she did such wonderful things with the money, too! Too bad that bastard couldn't see it.. (No, I don't hold grudges, not me. laugh )

Seriously, a wonderful end to a wonderful story. Brava!

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited