I had my doubts earlier, but I was very satisfied with the way they solved the things between them:

“Of course! I asked you to marry me right after you found out that your fiancé was a criminal, when your life was upside down. How could I expect everything would be fine? You needed to find yourself first, and I didn’t realize it was a quest you had to go on alone. I should have given you some time to believe in love again. In the true love like the one I wanted to give you.”

“I always believed in your love.”

“You don’t now.”

“But after all of this...”

“See? I never gave you a chance to understand that you could do nothing that would kill my love for you.”

“But... I disappointed you! I’m sure you never expected that you’d have to carry all the weight of our relationship on your shoulders!”

“I was disappointed, but it wasn’t your fault. No one loved you like you deserved. No one but me. Which is why my love became a burden for you.”
Only, if Jon hadn't supergenes, I would fear that he would grow fat.
