
razz To much about Claude.

“How… long… should… we…. wait,” it sounded like one of the voices was saying. He just wasn’t sure who was talking. The voices sounded so distorted… they sounded deep and as if they had been slowed down.

He willed himself to open his eyes again…

They wouldn’t open…
If Clark is hearing things around him he body is a life, his heart monitor will start working?

Daring to hope, even a little, Lois looked in the direction that Martha was pointing, just as Jonathan backed through the doorway, pulling a stretcher with him. She could only see glimpses at first…

Red boots…

Black hair…

Naked chest…

Lois slowly stood, holding the wall for support, tears streaming down her shocked face. She ran forward, still thinking that maybe it wasn’t him… that it was just her imagination or… or just someone who appeared to be…
eek Finally! He doesn’t have much time to come to life.

More ASAP, please.

MAF hyper

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.