I’ve never got the impression that Clark was neutered in this season; on the contrary I remember several scenes were he just unilaterally make life altering decisions for both of them in a rather overbearing fashion.

His love also take a more possessive edge, which is something else I find appealing about this season. Before he meekly accepted Lois dangling over the jaws of death in the most spineless fashion. This isn’t so in S4. Here I get the impression that he is genuinely terrified about losing her and that it isn’t much he won’t do to keep her. (that would have been another theme I would have loved to have seen explored. That Clark would have tried to be more controlling with woman who almost got her self killed every other week, isn’t that farfetched IMO).
If anyone is neutered it’s Lois IMO and for those who love the bitchy, self-absorbed Lois(and she has more dramatic potential) I can understand if S4 is a disappointment.


The writers just got more and more out there with the A plots, and they not only don't interest me, they seem to diminish the things that are special about Clark.
In defence of the writers I thought they generally did a good job of the A-plots. Even though some themes became overused. wink Clark is almost omnipotent. Delivering a challenge to him which also give Lois a chance to shine most be incredible tough. (Notice how few fanfic writers that dare to try it.) It becomes harder still when Lois is in on the secret.
For comparison, I’ve never seen Smallville but I’ve been told there is Kryptonite in virtually every episode.
Or look at what the Hollywood scriptwriters did with Superman Returns. Not really keeping you at the edge of your seat with anticipation, did it? What I would I liked to see was Superman taking on real world issues like starvation or environmental concerns, issues that he just couldn’t flex his biceps and they would disappear. But that might have given the show a more political slant then the writers dared. So they stuck with him stopping jewel store robberies and kids from spraying graffiti. Uhumm.. And time travel and more mind control…

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...