Hmm, this is the last pool? Really? You ARE going to start the pool back up again when season 4 comes out, aren't you???


Big Girls Don't Fly
Through a Glass, Darkly
Forget Me Not
#4 was actually hard for me - I liked Small World because Teri wrote it, and I love the "pinky promise at the end" - but I love Oedipus Wrecks because Lois & Clark FINALLY get back together.

So... Oedipus Wrecks (What? Am I the only one who enjoys seeing Lois punch Deter in the face? And who enjoys watching Perry and Jimmy dance to that silly song? - Ooooh, and then there's that declaration of love scene where Clark tells Lois that he loves her.... ahhh, sigh...)

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.