I just read part one and part two. This is one I would have read part one to twenty with no break. Food; who needs food? I'm in such awe. I love this story sooo much so far.

I was supposed to go to work on a Saturday today and get wicked OT, but this rocks sooo much more.

Now when may I expect the next part???!!!

I am really enjoying this...now I have to express how I feel ! Man, that is hard.

I love your portrayl of Clark. I always thought, that if Clark was under such circumstances he heart would be so tramatized. I believe you are showing that very well. The crying, pillow issue, Mum talk, clothing choices, many little things you put in create a wonderful big picture. I know even the toughest of guys in my life have cried over the one they love and are afraid of loosing - also being the first time they've cried since childhood. I couldn't phathom that! I know everyone is different and expresses their hurt differently, but for me the way you describe Clark's actions verify his emotions to me. I need it validated that Clark is hurting. Strong emotions make it real for me. (I grew up in a very ... emotional... family! LOL) It makes the story feel more real, raw and it gets my emotions in more toil. I love it when I am torn, sad, happy and frustrated while reading a story. A great story can get to you and get you hyped. Yours is for me!

I love Lois. She is sneaking about - I enjoy that part of her personality even though it freaks the monkey out of me. Anger, as being her primary emotion even when she is sad, to me, is Lois. It may be not *anger* just 'eh anger (see, I'm not the writer) and that's Lois.

When Lois found herself in Clark's sweatshirt - I would have had a big tear come out if I wasn't so sleepy. That hurt big time - poor Lois. Lois is going to have to hit the treadmill after eating all that ice-cream if she wants to fit into her wedding dress. Hmmm. What if Lois cannot fit into her dress?! Then she can't get married! Hey Clark, upset Lois more so she'll eat more ice-cream.....lame.

I am anxiously awaiting the next part. I need to know what Martha is going to do!

Part 3 later today? Tomorrow? Please not Monday. ACK!!!! :p

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.