Thank you once again for your lovely comments! smile I may not have addressed them all here, but I have treasured each and every one.

And am I right that when Lois heard "tempers," Wells was actually saying "Tempus"?
Yes, you're right. That, at least, was what I had in mind. smile

I hope this is on its way to the Archive for a Christmas upload...
Yes, it is. smile

I'd like to say another heartfelt thank you to Jenni here, both for beta-reading and for encouragement! You're the best! laugh

Jose, IsisLnC, Julia, Maria, Laura, Kathy and Karen: thank you all very much too.

Just as a useless piece of information, I originally planned to call this story Resonance. (I decided I liked an alternative better, obviously.) Still, the reason for the working title remains: I wanted to show Lois and Clark were 'in tune' with each other, even before they met. That's why Clark feels so empty during the period when she has stepped out of time and why Lois dreams of him.

I'm not sure how much of the 'resonance' comes through in the final story but, given the kinds of comments that people have been making, I think enough. smile

Again, thank you all very, very much

Chris (who is looking at an alarmingly red sky this morning, and who is wondering what the local shepherds are making of it...)