Thank you. Thank you thank you thankyouthankyouthankyou all so very, very much for the kind words! blush Believe it or not, I do need reassurance about my writing. (Okay, okay, I know that most writers do, but... I can't help worrying that there is a good reason why I've never managed to get a hold of one of those elusive Kerths. As a result, all kind words and encouragement are always very gratefully received.)

I'm delighted that people have found so many different things to like and comment on in this. Maybe I've done the impossible, and found something to please everyone. Probably not, but it's a nice thought! smile

MDL: I'm sorry that you don't understand this at the moment. frown (Hopefully things will make more sense after the second part. There is a point to it all, believe me.)

Ah, yes, Jose, but did you like it?

Wendy, you said (along with some very nice things):
And you would have to cut off just when Clark seems to know where Lois is! Argh!! You are evil!
If I am evil, it is only because I've learned from the mistresses of evil who hang around here.

Does Clark know where Lois is? Maybe...

Gerry, Pam, SuperRoo, Laura, Liz, Tricia and Jenni: thank you all, too. laugh

I'll post the second part either tomorrow or on Wednesday.
