OK, I'm asking this question for a project I have in mind, but please note that I have no time table set at all and this may be one of those projects that goes on and on forever. I kind of like to have a couple of things brewing at the same time, so when one or the other of my muses kicks into high gear, she has a place to go.

That being said...

Can you all please send to me some of your favorite "Clark sure is a cutie" moments - either posted here (for fun discussion) or via e-mail? I need to know episode name and what he was wearing or doing so I know where within the episode. Feel free to elaborate on why you like this moment - not that I need this info for the project but because it is just fun to gush about how cute Clark is.

So for example, I might answer this question like this:

I love the Clark moment in Don't Tug on Superman's Cape when he's dressed like James Bond.

These need to be fairly short, "image" moments rather than sweet, Clark-is-such-a-great-guy moments. Like, I just love the entire scene in Ordinary People when Clark and Lois are laying on the beach in front of the fire and they talk about their feelings for each other...yeah, really love this but waaaaay too long.

Thanks for any input.

Oh - and PS - no Superman moments. Just Clark. Sorry to those of you who prefer the spandex. This is a Clark thing.

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah