Yikes! This is a tough one. smile

Shadow, I got a good laugh out of "Aww, Lois, don't tell me you tried to cook...I'm afraid those charring marks are hard to get off ovens..." (And even more out of ceilings! wink )

Then, Kathy, you had a great line (with extra EEEWWWWW factor) in "Awww, Dad, I know I can do it faster than you can, but do I really have to fly to Smallville and muck out the horse stalls *again*?"

And José gave me a particular chuckle with "Yes, Lois, you have to water the ficus. how is it going to grow then?" (since Lois is meant to be watering Clark's plants in Fact or Ficus).

But the one that totally eclipsed all the others for me was Kathy's "We're out of blue cups, *again*??" ROTFLMAO!

So, Kathy, you're up again! wink


A diabolically, fiendishly clever mind. Possibly someone evil enough to take over the world. CC Aiken, Can You Guess the Writer? challenge