OK...here is the scene...

Yes, Battlefield Earth.

Clark and the New K people have just returned in order to try to stop Nor who took contol of Smallville. Clark came and visited Lois out of the blue...wonderful smoochie scene...then Trey came and took Clark to the ship.

Lois is sitting on the floor of her apartment with cartons of ice cream around her, eating away her sorrows. Ching shows up and she starts half crying that they took him away, and telling him how much she misses him. And Ching tells her Clark feels the same way, and he says that he can relate because he likes Zara...and they come up with the concubine plan to get Lois on the ship with Clark.


-Breanna (who thinks this scene would be *really* strange if Bugboy was playing Ching cause then Lois would be saying she loves Clark and Ching would be saying he loves Zara...when in real life Teri (Lois) and Jon (Ching) were married, and in the show Clark and Zara were married...)

Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers?
Lois: (blushing) I hope not.